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Today General Knowledge(GK)
The proceeds of income tax go to
Corporation authorities
Central Government
State Government
Centre and States

Correct Answer : Option (D) - Centre and States

The proceeds of income tax are compulsorily shareable between the Centre and the States. It is imposed and collected by the Central government but the proceeds are shared between the both. The share of the states in the net proceeds of income tax has varied from 55 per cent as under the First Finance Commission to 85 per cent as under the ninth Commission. regarding criterion for fixation of the shares of individual states, the percentage of the net proceeds of income tax assigned to them, the first to seventh finance commissions recognised ‘population’ and contribution to be the relevant factors. So a major portion of the proceeds of income tax goes to the states. But, the truth is they are shared between the centre and the states.

Published On : June 26, 2021
Category : Indian Economy