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Which of the following physiographic feature of India is geologically the oldest?
Indus- Ganga Brahmaputra plain
Himalayan Mountain Chain
The Coastal Plains
The Peninsular Plateau

Correct Answer : Option (D) - The Peninsular Plateau

Millions of years ago, the Peninsular Plateau region (the oldest landmass) was a part of the Gondwana Land which covered India, Australia, South Africa, and South America. Over hundreds of years of shifting landmass and ocean currents broke this landmass into multiple pieces.
One such piece- the Indo-Australian plate started shifting northwards, where it collided with the Eurasian plate (now Europe). Consequently, this collision caused the landmass to fold and become, what we know as the Himalayas today. Thereafter, many such geological events led to the formation of each of the varied physical features of India.

Published On : June 25, 2021
Category : Indian Geography