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Who won the gold medal in the women's T20 400m event at the World Para Athletics Championships 2024?
Sheetal Devi
Deepthi Jeevanji
Prachi Yadav
Avani Lekhara

Correct Answer : Option (B) - Deepthi Jeevanji

Indian para-athlete Deepthi Jeevanji etched her name in history by winning the gold medal in the women’s T20 400m event at the World Para Athletics Championships 2024. Her stunning performance on Monday not only secured India’s first gold medal at the prestigious event but also set a new world record time of 55.07 seconds.

Deepthi’s Journey to Glory :

Deepthi’s journey to the podium was nothing short of extraordinary. Earlier in the competition, she qualified for the finals by setting a new Asian record with an impressive time of 56.18 seconds. This remarkable feat also earned her a coveted quota for the Paris 2024 Paralympics.

Shattering Records and Leaving a Mark :

Deepthi’s world record-breaking performance in the final eclipsed the previous record of 55.12 seconds set by American athlete Breanna Clark during the last edition of the championships in Paris. Her incredible time of 55.07 seconds left the competition in awe, highlighting her unwavering determination and exceptional talent.

Podium Finishers :

The T20 400m event witnessed a fierce competition among the top para athletes. Aysel Onder of Turkey secured the silver medal with a time of 55.19 seconds, while Lizanshela Angulo of Ecuador claimed the bronze medal with a time of 56.68 seconds on the fourth day of the championships.

Qualifying with Distinction :

Deepthi’s journey to the final was marked by her unwavering resolve. On Sunday (19th May 2024), she qualified for the final by winning her heat race in an Asian record time of 56.18 seconds, further solidifying her position as a force to be reckoned with in the world of para athletics.

Inspiration and Pride for India :

Deepthi Jeevanji’s historic achievement at the World Para Athletics Championships 2024 has not only brought immense joy and pride to India but has also served as an inspiration for aspiring para athletes across the nation. Her dedication, perseverance, and unwavering spirit have showcased the true essence of sportsmanship and resilience.

As India celebrates this remarkable victory, Deepthi’s triumph serves as a reminder that barriers can be broken, and dreams can be realized through hard work, determination, and an unwavering passion for excellence.

Published On : May 21, 2024
Category : Sports