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Agriculture - General Knowledge Questions
Which Vegetable is National Vegetable of India?

Correct Answer :   Pumpkin

Indian Pumpkin, commonly known as “Kaddu” in Hindi, holds the distinction of being India’s national vegetable.

Its widespread growth throughout the country, coupled with its adaptability to varying soil conditions, makes it a staple in Indian cuisine. This versatile vegetable can be cultivated as both a climber and a creeper.

Ubiquitous Presence and Easy Cultivation : India’s Pumpkin popularity is owed to its resilience and ease of cultivation. It thrives all over India, without needing special soil. Whether it climbs or spreads like a vine, Indian Pumpkin is known for being able to grow easily and give plenty of vegetables.

The Humble Yet remarkable Vegetable : Regarded as a humble vegetable, Indian Pumpkin stands out for its accessibility and nutritional value. Its straightforward cultivation process results in abundant and high-quality vegetables.

Pumpkin is often associated with simplicity, fittingly earning the label of a “poor person’s vegetable.” Its ability to grow easily and yield abundant produce makes it a valuable addition to the Indian diet.

Why Indian Pumpkin?
Indian pumpkin’s status as the national vegetable is not by chance. Here are a few reasons behind this distinction:

Versatility in Cooking: Indian Pumpkin can be easily cooked and pairs well with various flavors. Its adaptability in the kitchen makes it a go-to ingredient for a multitude of dishes.
Sweet and Savory: The pumpkin’s sweet taste complements not only other vegetables but also lentils and spices, making it a delightful addition to diverse recipes.
Tropical Delight: Thriving in the tropical regions of India, Indian pumpkin stands strong even during the hottest days of the year.
Year-Round Friend: Its ability to grow in the hottest months ensures a steady supply of this vegetable for Indian households.

Published On : August 13, 2023