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Correct Answer :   Indonesia

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, located in West Sumatra, recently erupted, leading to a tragic incident resulting in the loss of lives and the disappearance of several climbers. The eruption occurred on December 3, 2023, catching many by surprise as authorities scrambled to evacuate those in the vicinity.

The Eruption and Immediate Aftermath :

As Mount Marapi unleashed its fury, a massive cloud of volcanic ash blanketed the sky and debris covered roads and vehicles. The eruption took place with 75 people in the area and while efforts were made to evacuate, 26 individuals were left behind. Abdul Malik, the head of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, reported that out of the 26, only 14 have been accounted for, with three survivors and a devastating 11 casualties.

Search and Rescue Operations :

Video footage captured during the eruption showcased the severity of the incident, hindering rescue operations. The footage revealed the challenging conditions faced by rescue workers as they navigated through the ash-covered terrain. Unfortunately, a minor eruption on the following day forced a temporary suspension of the rescue efforts, adding complexity to an already dire situation.

Geological Context :

Indonesia is situated on the “Ring of Fire,” a volatile tectonic region known for its seismic and volcanic activity. The country boasts 127 active volcanoes and Mount Marapi, standing at 2,891 meters (approximately 9,500 feet), is among the most active on Sumatra. Currently at the second-highest alert level on Indonesia’s four-step warning scale, the volcano has a history of eruptions, with the deadliest recorded in 1979, claiming the lives of 60 people.

Human Impact and Unanswered Questions :

The tragedy raises concerns about the preparedness and response mechanisms in place for such natural disasters. Questions loom about the adequacy of evacuation plans and the overall safety measures implemented for climbers and residents in volcanic-prone areas. As families grieve the loss of their loved ones and anxiously await news of the missing, the incident prompts a reflection on the need for improved disaster management strategies.

Published On : December 8, 2023
8th December
7th December
6th December
5th December

Correct Answer :   7th December

International Civil Aviation Day  is observed on  December 7. This year (023) celebration zooms in on the theme of "Advancing Innovation for Global Aviation Development."

This theme focuses on how innovation will shape and improve civil aviation worldwide in the future. It implies a commitment to explore and implement innovative ideas and technological breakthroughs to advance and improve the aviation sector. The focus on innovation is consistent with the ongoing efforts to improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of aviation.

International Civil Aviation Day is celebrated to raise global awareness of the role of aviation and international air transport in the social and economic development of the world. The day also recognises the special contribution of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in maintaining the efficiency, safety and cooperation of international aviation. It is observed each year to raise awareness of the value of aviation and its role in global socio-economic development.

On this day, special attention is paid to international aviation and how it connects the world. It is celebrated with numerous events, activities, press releases, seminars and lectures on aviation. From history to theme, scroll down to know more about this day.

History of International Civil Aviation Day :

* International Civil Aviation Day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on 7 December 1996.

* The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) was established on 7 December 1944 to promote global cooperation and uniformity in civil aviation matters.

* Both the International Air Transport Agreement and the International Services Transit Agreement were signed in the same year. In honour of its 50th anniversary, ICAO established International Civil Aviation Day in 1994.

International Civil Aviation Day significance :

* The significance of International Civil Aviation Day is to raise public awareness of the value of civil aviation and its impact on the social and economic progress of the world.

* It is an opportunity to highlight the role of global aviation organisations, in particular the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), in establishing and maintaining global standards for effective, safe and efficient air transport.

* This day also serves as a reminder of how air transport links the world and the importance of nations working together to solve common problems such as environmental sustainability, safety and security in aviation. It recognises the benefits of aviation to trade, tourism, global connectivity and overall economic growth..

Source : Hindustan Times

Published On : December 8, 2023

Correct Answer :   Gujarat

One of the most popular Garba songs starts with the line, “dholida, dhol re vagaad, maare heench levi chhe”, an instruction to the dhol player to start playing so that the dancing may begin.

Across Gujarat, that’s all it takes — a familiar beat — for people to form a circle and fall in step with each other, performing the folk dance synonymous with the state. This week, Garba joined other Indian dances, such as the Kalbelia folk dance of Rajasthan, Chhau from eastern India, Sankirtana from Manipur and Mudiyettu from Kerala, on the UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, becoming another representative of the richness of India’s performing art traditions.

In one important way, Garba is distinct from many of the Indian, and non-Indian traditions, on the list. An indelible part of every Gujarati celebration, from wedding to birth, and, most notably, the annual nine-day festival of Navratri, it remains a thriving tradition.

One feature that keeps it alive is its strong roots in community, with everyone, young and old, male and female, expert and amateur, dancing around a perforated earthen pot — the metaphorical universal womb from which all of humanity emerged and a symbol of the earth’s fertility. The other is its adaptability — every new generation refashions the dance to its tastes, with songs and techniques from over a hundred years ago being as popular as the more contemporary ones.

There is no existential threat to Garba, but its inclusive character has, of late, become imperilled. While the worship of goddess Amba (a form of Durga) is a key part of this tradition, as the film submitted to UNESCO by the Government of India states, people of other faiths were for long enthusiastic participants. Reports, in recent years, of performances being open to only Hindus, and Dalits being assaulted for attending events for upper-caste communities, must be taken seriously if this beloved intangible heritage is to continue to thrive.

Source : Indian Express

Published On : December 8, 2023
Samir Shah
Rahul Joshi
Rahul Joshi
Sivakumar Sundaram

Correct Answer :   Samir Shah

* Britain's government on Wednesday (6th Dec 2023) chose a new BBC chairman after the previous incumbent was forced to quit earlier this year over a loan to then-prime minister Boris Johnson.

* The Conservative government named veteran TV executive Samir Shah as its choice to replace Richard Sharp, who stood down in April, as head of the publicly funded broadcaster.

* His appointment will almost certainly be ratified by a parliament committee and comes at a crucial time for the BBC, which is facing increased funding pressures.

* The corporation is currently looking to make £500 million in savings and recently announced cutbacks to its flagship "Newsnight" programme.

* Samir Shah, 71, will be tasked with negotiating with the government an increase to the licence fee, which is where the BBC gets most of its funding.

* UK media reported recently that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak plans to block a nine percent increase in the annual fee, which is currently £159 ($200) per household.

* Samir Shah has worked in television for more than 40 years and has held a number of roles at the BBC, including as head of current affairs.

* He said in a statement that he was "delighted" to have been named the government's preferred candidate.

* "We welcome the announcement that Samir Shah has been selected as the Government's preferred candidate to take up the role of BBC chair and look forward to him joining the board once the formal process has been complete," said a BBC spokesperson.

* Richard Sharp, a former executive at investment bank Goldman Sachs, quit after it emerged he acted as a go-between to facilitate an £800,000 ($1 million) loan for Boris Johnson..

Source : NDTV

Published On : December 7, 2023
Tim Cook
Sam Altman
Sundar Pichai
Satya Nadella

Correct Answer :   Sam Altman

Sam Altman has been recognized as Time magazine's 'CEO of the Year' 2023 for his remarkable impact on the tech industry. The announcement was made on December 6, 2023.

The award underscores Altman's significant contributions as the CEO of OpenAI, a prominent research company specializing in artificial intelligence.

OpenAI's achievements under Altman's leadership : Under Altman's guidance, OpenAI has been a trailblazer in AI research, achieving notable successes such as the development and launch of Chat-GPT-4. This AI-powered natural language processing tool allows users to interact with a chatbot in a way that closely resembles human conversation, marking a significant leap in AI technology.

Revolutionizing industries with AI concepts : The concepts introduced by OpenAI, including GPT-3 and GPT-4, have a profound impact across various industries, transforming the way people engage with technology. These innovations have opened up new possibilities in problem-solving and content production.

One year of transformative success with Chat-GPT : One year after the release of Chat-GPT, OpenAI's tech product with the fastest adoption rate in history, proved to be a transformative experience for the company. The success of Chat-GPT has solidified OpenAI's position as a leader in the AI landscape.

Sam Altman's journey: Dropout to AI pioneer : Sam Altman's journey from a Stanford dropout in 2005 to becoming an AI pioneer has been extraordinary. After developing the social networking app Loopt, sold for $43 million in 2006, Altman went on to lead Y Combinator. In 2015, he founded OpenAI with the ambitious goal of achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI).

OpenAI's evolution : Over the years, OpenAI underwent significant transformations, including a shift to a capped profit model in 2019. Collaborating with Microsoft in the same year brought substantial investment and cloud computing resources. Microsoft's $10 billion investment in 2021 enabled the development of ChatGPT-4, cementing OpenAI's status as a leading AI firm..

Source : Money Control

Published On : December 7, 2023

Correct Answer :   Italy

* Italy has withdrawn from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), more than 4 years after becoming the only Group of Seven (G7) nation to sign up.

* After months of uncertainty regarding Italy’s involvement in the ambitious project, Rome conveyed its decision in a recent letter to Beijing, news agencies Reuters and AFP reported on Wednesday (6th Dec 2023).

* The Belt and Road plan proposes massive investments in infrastructure such as roads, bridges and ports to recreate the ancient Silk Road trade routes linking Europe and Asia.

* Critics have cast the scheme as a vehicle for Beijing to expand its geopolitical influence, including by saddling poorer countries with unsustainable debts.

* “We have every intention of maintaining excellent relations with China even if we are no longer part of the Belt and Road Initiative,” an Italian government source said.

*Other G7 nations have closer relations with China than we do, despite the fact they were never in [the BRI],” he added.

* The long-anticipated decision was communicated to Beijing three days ago, according to Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, which first reported the withdrawal.

* In 2019, Italy became the first major Western nation to participate in the programme, despite US concerns about China gaining control over crucial technologies and infrastructure.

* Nevertheless, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who took office last year, expressed a desire to withdraw, citing the lack of substantial benefits for Italy.

* The 2019 agreement is set to expire in March 2024, with automatic renewal unless Rome provides three months’ written notice of withdrawal.

* However, Rome has been wary of provoking Beijing and risking retaliation against Italian companies..

Source : Aljazeera

Published On : December 7, 2023
Saudi Arabia

Correct Answer :   Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has introduced a 96-hour stopover visa for Indians traveling to the West or the Middle East. This initiative, part of the Saudi Vision 2030 to streamline Umrah visits, was announced by Saudi Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfiq bin Fawzan.

During a joint press briefing with India's Minister of Minority Affairs Smriti Irani and Minister of State for External Affairs, V Muraleedharan, Minister Tawfiq bin Fawzan emphasized the nation's commitment to facilitating the religious pilgrimage of Muslims globally. He stated, "Indians traveling to the West or the Middle East can obtain a stopover visa, that is, for 96 hours, and get a visa within the ticket issuance process, which allows them to perform Umrah and visit any city in the Kingdom."

The Umrah Visa, valid for 90 days, enables holders to reside and travel within Saudi Arabia, ensuring an efficient and convenient pilgrimage experience. Minister Tawfiq bin Fawzan highlighted the Kingdom's efforts to transform Umrah into a rewarding religious expedition by utilizing technological advancements and upgrading infrastructure.

Individuals looking to perform Umrah can now obtain a Kingdom entry visa within 48 hours. Indian travelers can perform Umrah in Saudi Arabia using their work, tourism, or Umrah visas. The streamlined visa acquisition process aims to enhance accessibility for Umrah pilgrims.

The collaborative efforts between India and Saudi Arabia have yielded significant results, with the number of Umrah pilgrims from India surpassing 1.2 million in 2023, reflecting a 74% increase from the previous year. Minister Tawfiq bin Fawzan expressed a commitment to discussions to enhance the range of direct flight options and focus on increasing capacity to accommodate the growing number of Indians looking to perform Umrah.

As part of these efforts, three new visa centers will be established in India, streamlining the visa issuance procedures. An upcoming exhibition in Mumbai will serve as an opportunity for collaboration between Umrah and tourism companies from Saudi Arabia and India, introducing initiatives to enhance the Umrah journey.

India and Saudi Arabia's close and friendly relationship, fostered under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has reached new heights. Muraleedharan emphasized the mutual recognition of the partnership's benefits to both countries, communities, and the broader region. He reiterated the Ministry of External Affairs' commitment to working closely to ensure the success of the pilgrimage..

Source : India Times

Published On : December 7, 2023
Joe Biden
Georgia Meloni
Narendra Modi
Taylor Swift

Correct Answer :   Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift notched yet another accolade on Wednesday (6th Dec 2023) when Time magazine named the mega pop star as its "Person of the Year (2023)."

Swift took the award in a year when her nearly two decades of fame and influence came to a peak, the magazine said in announcing the title. She was the first person from the arts to be honored for her success as an entertainer, it said.

The 33-year-old artist spent the year traveling the world on her "Eras Tour," showcasing music from her entire career, smashing records for ticket sales, and boosting the economies of every city she visited.

"This is the proudest and happiest I’ve ever felt, and the most creatively fulfilled and free I’ve ever been," Swift told Time, which has bestowed the award on almost every U.S. president since its inception in 1927.

The "Eras Tour," which will continue in 2024 across Asia, Australia, Europe and the U.S., is on track to become the highest-grossing tour in world history, according to Billboard. It made about $900 million of revenue in 2023, and pulls in about $14 million per show, Billboard reported.

Demand for the U.S. stadium tour surged so much last year that resale prices reached as high as $28,000 per ticket, prompting lawsuits and a federal investigation into how online sales were conducted. The tour also spawned a movie "Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour" that provided a welcome jolt to cinemas facing a lackluster autumn slate. There's even a comic book devoted to Swift.

She's also inspired newfound interest among her fans in NFL games by attending Kansas City Chief games to support her new boyfriend, tight end Travis Kelce.

Time magazine named Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy "Person of the Year" in 2022. Past winners have also included Tesla (TSLA.O) CEO Elon Musk, climate activist Greta Thunberg, former President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Forbes Magazine this week also named Swift the world's fifth most powerful woman, behind top political power brokers such as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris. The magazine reported that Swift's tour made her a billionaire in October.

Outside the arenas where she performs, Swift was the most-streamed artist in the world in 2023, according to Spotify. Her music was streamed more than 26.1 billion times between Jan. 1 and Nov. 29..

Source : Reuters

Published On : December 7, 2023
Ministry of Culture
Home Ministry
Ministry of Tourism
Ministry of Rural Development

Correct Answer :   Ministry of Culture

Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy, overseeing culture, tourism, and development of north Eastern Region, announced a new project in the Rajya Sabha on Thursday (7th Dec 2023) aimed at highlighting the cultural richness of villages across the nation.

Developed in partnership with the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) under the Ministry of Culture, the initiative, known as "Mera Gaon, Meri Dharohar", seeks to explore the life, history, and ethos of Indian villages. As a crucial component of the National Mission on Cultural Mapping, the project reflects the central government's commitment to document and map the cultural diversity inherent in villages across the country.

Reddy underscored the significance of the MGMD programme in the preservation and promotion of India's cultural heritage. He said, "This initiative aligns with our commitment to safeguarding and celebrating the rich tapestry of Indian heritage. The documentation and mapping of villages under MGMD will serve as a testament to the unique cultural identity that each village contributes to our nation."

The primary objective of the programme is to make this wealth of information accessible to both virtual and real-time visitors, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of India's diverse cultural roots. On July 27, the MGMD programme launched a new web portal for easy access to information by researchers, enthusiasts, and the public.

The collected information is categorized into seven broad categories:

* Arts and Crafts Village
* Ecologically Oriented Village
* Scholastic Village Linked with Textual and Scriptural Traditions of India
* Epic Village linked with Ramayana, Mahabharata, or Puranic legends and oral epics
* Historical Village linked with Local and National History
* Architectural Heritage Village
* Any other characteristic that may need highlighting such as fishing village, horticulture village, shepherding village, etc.

This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough exploration of the cultural nuances that define each village, presenting a holistic picture of India's diverse heritage..

Source : DD News

Published On : December 7, 2023
Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka
Anumula Revanth Reddy
Komatireddy Raj Gopal Reddy
Uttam Kumar Reddy

Correct Answer :   Anumula Revanth Reddy

Anumula Revanth Reddy took the oath as the chief minister of Telangana post-1.04pm (7th Dec 2023) at LB Stadium in Hyderabad, three days after the Congress won a huge mandate to form the government in the newest state of the country.

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, Parliamentary party chief Sonia Gandhi, and other leaders including Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi were present at the swearing-in ceremony.

It was also a show of strength for the opposition bloc INDIA which encountered some hiccups as the Congress witnessed a massive drubbing in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

Revanth Reddy became the first Congress chief minister of Telangana and the second chief minister of the state created in 2014 following the bifurcation of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh. Out of 119 assembly seats, the Congress won 64 in a single majority.

PM Modi congratulated Revanth on his swearing-in and assured all possible support for the development of the state. "Congratulations to Shri Revanth Reddy Garu on taking oath as the Chief Minister of Telangana. I assure all possible support to further the progress of the state and the welfare of its citizens. @revanth_anumula," PM Modi tweeted.

Here is a list of MLAs who took oath as ministers on Thursday (7th Dec 2023) as Revanth Reddy became the chief minister of Telangana

* Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu - deputy chief minister

* Nalamada Uttam Kumar Reddy

* C Damodar Rajanarasimha

* Komatireddy Venkat Reddy

* Duddila Sridhar Babu

* Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy

* Poonam Prabhakar

* Konda Surekha

* D Anasuya Seethakka

* Tummala Nageswara Rao

* Jupally Krishna Rao

* Gaddam Prasad Kumar

As Revanth Reddy took the oath only three days after the results were announced, the Congress asked why nobody was questioning the delay in BJP announcing the names of the chief ministers in the three states they have won -- Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.

Revanth Reddy has been credited for the Congress's massive victory in Telangana. Now the new CM has the mountainous task of fulfilling the six promises of the party, one of them being free travel for women in Telangana State Road Transport Corporation buses like in Karnataka..

Source : Hindustan Times

Published On : December 7, 2023