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Ministry of Culture
Home Ministry
Ministry of Mines
Ministry of Science and Technology

Correct Answer :   Ministry of Culture

The Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC), an apex advisory body on archival matters, acts as an all-India forum of creators, custodians and users of records to advise the Government of India on the management of records and their use for historical research. Established in 1919, the IHRC is headed by the Union Minister of Culture.

In order to visually communicate the unique identity of IHRC and the ethos that it represents, an online competition was launched in 2023 on MyGov portal to invite the designs for logo and motto, and in response a total 436 entries were received.

The following entry for logo and motto submitted by Shri Shaurya Pratap Singh (Delhi) was selected for the logo as well as the motto of the IHRC :

The logo signifies the theme and uniqueness of IHRC entirely. The pages in the shape of lotus petals represent IHRC as the resilient nodal institution for maintaining historical records. The Sarnath pillar in the middle represents India's glorious past. Brown as the colour theme reinforces the organization's mission of preserving, studying and honouring India's historical records.

The motto translates as "Where history is preserved for the future." The motto holds great significance for the IHRC and its work. The IHRC plays a vital role in identifying, collecting, cataloguing and maintaining historical documents, manuscripts other sources of historical information. By doing so the Commission ensures that valuable historical knowledge is conserved for future generations. The motto, therefore, reflects the Commission's commitment to ensuring the safeguarding of historical documents and making these accessible for the benefit of present and future generations.

The following entries, four each for logo and for motto, were awarded consolation prizes:

Logo :

* Ms. Manaswee Chandwaskar (Indore, Madhya Pradesh)
* Ms. Deepika Mandal (Bengaluru, Karnataka)
* Ms. Nonanda Verma (Jodhpur, Rajasthan)
* Ms. Shivanshi Chauhan (Chuttmalpur, Uttarakhand)

Moto :
* Ms. Jasneet Kaur (SAS Nagar, Punjab)
* Naresh Agrawal (Indore, Madhya Pradesh)
* Shri Raju Chatterjee (Kolkata, West Bengal)
* Shri Rinkal (Bharuch, Gujarat)

The winning entry will be awarded a prize money of Rs. 50,000/- while consolation prizes of Rs. 5,000/- each will be given to all four shortlisted entries for logo and moto respectively..

Source : PIB

Published On : April 27, 2024
April 25th
April 26th
April 27th
April 28th

Correct Answer :   April 26th

Every year, on April 26th, we observe the International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day. This day is dedicated to remembering the victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and raising awareness about this catastrophic event.

The Chernobyl Disaster: A Tragic Event :

On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (formerly part of the Soviet Union) exploded, releasing a massive radioactive cloud into the atmosphere. This disaster exposed approximately 8.4 million people to harmful nuclear radiation.

The radioactive contamination devastated the surrounding areas, causing extensive damage to crops, plants, and infrastructure. The affected regions in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia were heavily contaminated, posing a serious threat to human health and the environment.

Establishment of the International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day :

In 1990, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for international cooperation to address and mitigate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. This marked the beginning of the United Nations’ involvement in the recovery efforts.

In 2016, the United Nations officially established the International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day to recognize the persistent long-term consequences of the disaster and support the affected communities and territories in their efforts to achieve sustainable development.

Significance of the Day :

The International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day holds great significance as it :

* Commemorates the victims of one of the worst man-made tragedies in history.
* Raises awareness about the ongoing challenges faced by the affected areas.
* Reaffirms the international community’s commitment to supporting the affected regions in their efforts to rebuild and recover.
* Serves as a reminder of the fragility of human life and the importance of sustainable development.

Observing the Day

The International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day is observed through various events and activities, including :

* Memorial services to honor the victims
* Educational forums to discuss the lessons learned
* Cultural events to promote awareness and solidarity

It is a day to reflect on the lessons of the disaster and identify measures to mitigate the risks of future emergencies.

By observing this day, we remember the tragic events of Chernobyl and reaffirm our commitment to ensuring the safety of all people living in areas affected by radiation.

Published On : April 27, 2024
Himachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh

Correct Answer :   Himachal Pradesh

SJVN Limited has achieved a significant milestone with the inauguration of India's first Multi-purpose (Combined Heat & Power) Green Hydrogen Pilot Project at SJVN’s 1,500 MW Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station (NJHPS) in Jhakri, Himachal Pradesh.

The green hydrogen produced from the project will be utilized for High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) Coating Facility of NJHPS for meeting its combustion fuel requirements. In addition, it will also generate electricity through its fuel cell of 25 kW capacity.

The first Multi-purpose (Combined Heat & Power) Green Hydrogen Generation Plant of the nation has been inaugurated by Chairperson and Managing Director, Smt. Geeta Kapur on April 24, 2024. Speaking about the project, the Chairperson said: “Aligned with National Green Hydrogen Mission of Government of India, SJVN's Green Hydrogen Pilot Project is poised to accelerate the development of green hydrogen production infrastructure in the power sector, thus establishing green hydrogen as a clean energy source.”

The state-of-the-art Green Hydrogen Pilot Project is set to produce 14 kilograms of Green Hydrogen daily during 8 hours of operation. The hydrogen produced will be stored at a pressure of 30 bars, in six storage tanks, with a total storage capacity of 12 m3. The project will produce hydrogen using alkaline electrolyzer of 20 Nm3/hour capacity, which would be powered by renewable energy supplied from 1.31 MW Solar Power Plant of SJVN in Wadhal, Shimla.

Besides generating power, the green hydrogen will also be used for High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Coating of turbine underwater parts.

During her visit, the SJVN Chairperson also inaugurated first-of-its-kind Centralized Operation of the 1,500 MW Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station (NJHPS) and 412 MW Rampur Hydro Power Station (Rampur HPS), by remotely operating Unit-2 of Rampur HPS from NJHPS Control Room at Jhakri, Himachal Pradesh. Rampur HPS is being successfully operated on Tandem Operating System with NJHPS.

Smt. Kapur commended the dedicated efforts of the teams at NJHPS, Rampur HPS and at Electrical Design Team at SJVN Corporate Headquarters for this achievement. She urged the employees to continue working diligently to realize the aim of being able to operate the entire Rampur HPS from NJHPS at the earliest.

Head of Project (NJHPS), Shri Manoj Kumar; Head of Project (Rampur HPS), Shri Vikas Marwah; Head of Department (Electrical Design), Shri Harish Kumar Sharma; and senior officials of NJHPS, Rampur HPS and Corporate Headquarters were also present for the above events..

Source : PIB

Published On : April 26, 2024

Correct Answer :   Yakshagana

Famous Yakshagana singer Subrahmanya Dhareshwar passed away at the age of 67. He was famous as 'Bhagavad Shrestha' for his wonderful voice.

Subrahmanya Dhareshwar had served in the field of Yakshagana for 46 years.

Yakshagana is a traditional folk dance form famous in the coastal districts of Karnataka. This folk dance is similar to the Theyyam art form of the neighbouring state of Kerala.

Published On : April 26, 2024
April 23rd
April 24th
April 25th
April 26th

Correct Answer :   April 26th

World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated annually on April 26th by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). This day is dedicated to promoting the role of intellectual property (IP) in stimulating innovation and creativity.

World Intellectual Property Day- Theme for 2024

The official theme for World Intellectual Property Day 2024 is ‘IP and the SDGs: Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity‘. The theme highlights the importance of IP in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and creating a better future for all.

Significance of the World Intellectual Property Day

Celebrating World Intellectual Property Day holds great significance as it :

* Raises awareness about the need for a balanced approach to IP protection, considering the rights of creators and the public interest.
* Provides an opportunity to connect inventors, entrepreneurs, IP offices, and other stakeholders to explore and promote IP solutions that contribute to economic development and social well-being.
* Highlights the role of intellectual property in fostering innovation and creativity, which are essential for progress and sustainable development.

History and Origins of World Intellectual Property Day :

The origins of WIPO can be traced back to 1883 when the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property was signed. This convention established IP protections for inventions, trademarks, and industrial designs.

In 1970, the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization entered into force, formally creating WIPO. WIPO became a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1974.

WIPO’s Role :

WIPO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that works to promote the protection and advancement of intellectual property worldwide. It provides a framework for cooperation among member states in areas such as :

* Intellectual property law
* Registration of intellectual property
* Protection of intellectual property rights

WIPO also offers various services and resources to promote IP awareness and the benefits of IP protection, including registration, dispute resolution, and the development of uniform standards and infrastructure.

On World Intellectual Property Day, various events and activities are organized to celebrate the role of IP in driving innovation, creativity, and sustainable development. It is an opportunity to recognize the contributions of inventors, creators, and innovators, and to encourage continued progress in the field of intellectual property.

Published On : April 26, 2024
April 28
April 27
April 26
April 25

Correct Answer :   April 25

Every year on the fourth Thursday of April, the world celebrates International Girls in ICT Day. This important occasion aims to highlight the significance of girls and young women in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and encourage them to pursue education and careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). This year (2024), International Girls in ICT Day falls on April 25.

History of Computers and ICT :

The history of computers and ICT dates back to the 19th century when Charles Babbage, an English mathematician and engineer, invented the first mechanical computer called the Difference Engine in 1822. This machine was designed to perform basic calculations and solve complex problems.

In 1833, Babbage conceived the idea of the Analytical Engine, which was the first automatic mechanical digital computer capable of performing all calculations and storing large amounts of data. However, due to lack of funding, the Analytical Engine was never built during his lifetime.

Ada Lovelace: The World’s First Computer Programmer :

In 1843, Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, published a paper explaining the Analytical Engine and drew comparisons between it and existing calculators. She is widely regarded as the world’s first computer programmer, as she wrote the first computer program by sequencing instructions on the punched cards that the Analytical Engine used.

ENIAC and the “ENIAC Girls” :

In 1945, John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert Jr. led a project at the University of Pennsylvania to build the first electronic programmable computer in the United States, called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). The programming of ENIAC was handled by six women, known as the “ENIAC girls,” who played a crucial role in this groundbreaking achievement.

Rapid Advancements in Computing :

From the mid-20th century to the early 21st century, the world witnessed a significant leap in the development of computers and technology. This period saw the invention of transistors, programming languages like COBOL and FORTRAN, UNIX operating system, floppy disks, and the Ethernet. Major tech companies like Intel, IBM, Apple, and Microsoft were established during this time.

Portable Computers and Mobile Phones :

In the early 2000s, portable computers became commonplace due to advancements in battery life and miniaturization of computing resources. This innovation also paved the way for the development of cellular mobile phones, which have become an integral part of our daily lives.

Encouraging Girls in ICT :

International Girls in ICT Day aims to inspire and encourage girls and young women to explore opportunities in the field of ICT. By highlighting the achievements of pioneering women in this field and promoting STEM education, this day strives to empower the next generation of female leaders in technology.

Published On : April 26, 2024

Correct Answer :   Norway

Norway earns the title of "Land of the Midnight Sun" due to a remarkable natural phenomenon where the sun remains visible for nearly 24 hours a day during late May to late July.

In the realm of natural wonders, few phenomena evoke as much intrigue and fascination as the midnight sun. Casting its ethereal glow over the horizon, this mesmerizing spectacle has captivated the imagination of generations, earning certain regions the illustrious title of the “Land of Midnight Sun.” But amidst the mystique, one question prevails: which country claims this enigmatic designation? Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the mystery and discover the answer.

Understanding the Phenomenon “Midnight Sun”

The midnight sun, a phenomenon where the sun remains visible even at midnight, is a rare spectacle witnessed in select regions near the Arctic Circle. During specific periods of the year, these locales experience daylight stretching into the late hours of the night, creating a surreal landscape bathed in perpetual sunlight. Among these regions, one country stands out as the quintessential embodiment of this phenomenon.

Which Country is Known as “Land of Midnight Sun”?

Nestled amidst the rugged landscapes and pristine fjords of Scandinavia, Norway emerges as the quintessential “Land of Midnight Sun.” Situated on the northernmost edge of Europe, a portion of Norway lies within the Arctic Circle, where the midnight sun graces the skies during the summer months. From late May to July, certain areas of Norway bask in the radiant glow of the sun, witnessing sunset and dawn merge seamlessly without a moment of darkness in between.

Why is Norway called as “Land of Midnight Sun”?

Norway earns its title as the “Land of the Midnight Sun” due to a remarkable natural phenomenon where the sun remains visible for nearly 24 hours a day during late May to late July. This phenomenon occurs in areas north of the Arctic Circle, granting them extended periods of daylight and minimal darkness during summer months. This unique occurrence contrasts starkly with the long periods of darkness experienced in winter.

The Essence of the Midnight Sun :

The allure of the midnight sun lies not only in its visual splendor but also in its profound symbolism. For centuries, this celestial phenomenon has served as a symbol of renewal, vitality, and the eternal cycle of life. In Norway, the midnight sun embodies the resilience and spirit of a nation forged amidst the untamed beauty of the Arctic wilderness.

Published On : April 26, 2024

Correct Answer :   $28

India’s pharmaceutical exports witnessed robust growth in the fiscal year 2023-24, reaching $28 billion, marking a 10% increase compared to the previous fiscal year. Despite a 3% dip in total exports, the pharmaceutical sector demonstrated resilience and significant expansion.

Key Highlights

March Performance : Pharmaceutical exports in March soared by 12.73% to USD 2.8 billion, indicating a strong upward trajectory in the sector’s performance.

Year-on-Year Growth : Year-on-year, India’s drugs and pharmaceuticals exports escalated by 9.67%, totaling USD 27.9 billion in 2023-24, showcasing steady progress.

Top Export Markets : The United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, South Africa, and Brazil emerged as the top five export destinations. Notably, the US accounted for over 31% of India’s total pharmaceutical exports.

Expansion into New Geographies : India’s pharmaceutical exports penetrated new markets including Montenegro, South Sudan, Chad, Comoros, Brunei, Latvia, Ireland, Chad, Sweden, Haiti, and Ethiopia, underscoring the sector’s growing global footprint.

Future Projections : Experts predict that India’s pharmaceutical industry could surpass USD 130 billion by 2030, driven by expanding market opportunities and rising demand overseas, as compared to the over USD 50 billion valuation in 2022-23.

Industry Standing : India’s pharmaceutical industry ranks third globally by volume and 13th by value, boasting a portfolio of more than 60,000 generic drugs across 60 therapeutic categories.

Government Initiatives : To bolster domestic manufacturing, the government has introduced two production-linked incentive (PLI) schemes targeting key pharmaceutical ingredients and generic medicines, aiming to enhance self-reliance and competitiveness in the sector.

Published On : April 26, 2024

Correct Answer :   Baghpat

India, with its 28 states and 8 union territories, boasts diverse regions, each with its unique cultural and geographical characteristics. Among these, certain districts stand out for their distinctive identities, contributing to the country’s rich tapestry of diversity. One such district in India is Baghpat, known as the “Land of Tigers.” Let’s delve into the features and significance of this district, nestled in the heart of the nation.

Which District of Uttar Pradesh is known as “Land of Tigers”?

Baghpat district derives its nickname, the “Land of Tigers,” from its historical roots and geographical attributes. Formerly known as “Vyagprastha,” meaning the land of tigers, the district has a rich history dating back to ancient times. The name reflects the region’s once abundant tiger population, symbolizing its untamed wilderness and natural beauty.

Geographical Significance of Baghpat, the Land of Tigers :

Nestled along the banks of the Yamuna River, Baghpat district boasts picturesque landscapes and fertile plains. The district’s proximity to the river not only enriches its agricultural prowess but also adds to its scenic charm. The Yamuna River serves as a lifeline for the region, shaping its ecosystem and sustaining its agrarian economy.

Land of Tigers – Economic Significance :

Baghpat district is predominantly agrarian, with agriculture serving as the backbone of its economy. The fertile soil and favorable climate facilitate the cultivation of various crops, including sugarcane, wheat, and rice. Additionally, the district is renowned for its production of jaggery and sugar, contributing significantly to the state’s agricultural output.

Cultural Tapestry of Baghpat :

Baghpat district is a melting pot of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. Its vibrant cultural milieu is characterized by festivals, fairs, and rituals that reflect the harmonious coexistence of different communities. The district’s rich cultural heritage adds to its allure, attracting visitors from far and wide to experience its cultural extravaganza.

Land of Tigers – Economic Activities and Livelihoods :

The primary occupations in Baghpat district revolve around agriculture and allied activities. Farmers engage in cultivation, dairy farming, and animal husbandry to sustain their livelihoods. Additionally, the district’s strategic location near Delhi has led to the emergence of small-scale industries and commercial enterprises, further diversifying its economic landscape.

Published On : April 26, 2024

Correct Answer :   Saharanpur

The cultivation of honey thrives as a commercial venture, particularly in states like Uttar Pradesh, where beekeeping flourishes alongside the production of this golden elixir. Let’s know which district of Uttar Pradesh is known as “City of Honey.

Uttar Pradesh’s Contribution to Honey Production :

Uttar Pradesh emerges as a prominent player in honey production, boasting extensive beekeeping activities across various districts. The state’s conducive environment and agricultural practices foster a thriving ecosystem for beekeeping, resulting in substantial honey yields.

Which District of Uttar Pradesh is Known as “City of Honey”?

Among the districts of Uttar Pradesh, Saharanpur stands out as a notable hub for honey production. Revered as the “City of Honey,Saharanpur epitomizes the state’s prowess in beekeeping and honey cultivation. Its abundant output of high-quality honey distinguishes it as a leading contributor to the honey industry.

Why is Saharanpur known as “City of Honey”?

Saharanpur earns its moniker due to its distinction as the epicenter of honey production in Uttar Pradesh. The district’s remarkable output of honey, coupled with its rich beekeeping heritage, solidifies its reputation as a premier honey-producing region.

Saharanpur’s Honey Production :

Saharanpur boasts an impressive annual honey production, ranging from approximately 8,000 to 10,000 quintals. This substantial yield underscores the district’s pivotal role in honey cultivation, with thousands of local residents actively engaged in beekeeping and honey-related enterprises.

Saharanpur’s Global Impact :

The honey produced in Saharanpur finds resonance not only domestically but also on the global stage. With Uttar Pradesh, particularly Saharanpur, emerging as a leading exporter of honey, the district contributes significantly to India’s international honey trade, showcasing the country’s prowess in honey production..

Published On : April 26, 2024