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January 31
January 30
January 29
January 28

Correct Answer :   January 31

International Zebra Day, observed annually on January 31, is a significant event dedicated to raising awareness about the conservation of zebras. These unique animals, easily recognizable by their black and white stripes, are an integral part of Africa’s wildlife and ecosystem. However, due to environmental degradation and the increasing human population, zebras are increasingly vulnerable. In this article, we delve into the history, significance, and ways to contribute to the conservation of this endangered species.

History of International Zebra Day :

International Zebra Day was established to draw attention to the declining population of zebras in the wild, particularly the Grevy’s zebra, which is listed as critically endangered on the Red List of Threatened Species. The African Wildlife Foundation reports a 54% decline in Grevy’s zebra numbers over the past three decades. Thought to be initiated by conservation organizations like the Conservation Biology Institute and the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, the day aims to educate the public on the challenges zebras face and encourage strategies to prevent further population decline.

The Plight of the Zebra :

Zebras primarily inhabit the semi-desert regions of Kenya and Ethiopia and the hilly regions of Namibia, Angola, and South Africa. There are three different species of zebras in the wild: Grevy’s zebra, plains zebra, and mountain zebra. Each species faces its own set of challenges, but common threats include poaching, habitat degradation, and human-wildlife conflicts. The disturbance of their natural habitat is a significant factor contributing to their endangered status.

Significance of International Zebra Day :

International Zebra Day is not just about acknowledging the beauty and uniqueness of zebras but also about understanding their role in maintaining ecological balance. The day serves as a vital platform to highlight the conservation needs of zebras and the importance of protecting their populations and habitats. It also emphasizes the need for proactive measures by individuals, communities, and governments to ensure the long-term survival of these magnificent creatures.

How to Contribute to Zebra Conservation :

Participating in International Zebra Day can take many forms, from educating oneself and others about the plight of zebras to supporting conservation efforts. Here are some ways you can contribute:

Education and Awareness: Spread the word about the importance of zebra conservation through social media, blogs, and community events.

* Support Conservation Organizations : Donate to or volunteer with organizations dedicated to wildlife conservation.

* Responsible Tourism : Choose eco-friendly and ethical wildlife tours that support conservation efforts.

* Advocacy : Advocate for policies that protect wildlife habitats and reduce human-wildlife conflicts.

Published On : January 31, 2024
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal

Correct Answer :   Maharashtra

The “Maratha Military Landscapes of India” will be India’s nomination for recognition as UNESCO World Heritage List for the year 2024-25.

* The Maratha Military Landscapes of India, which developed between 17th and 19th centuries, represent an extraordinary fortification and military system envisioned by the Maratha rulers.

* This extraordinary network of forts, varying in hierarchies, scales and typological features, is a result of integrating the landscape, terrain and physiographic characteristics distinctive to the Sahyadri mountain ranges, the Konkan Coast, Deccan Plateau and the Eastern Ghats in the Indian Peninsula.

* The twelve component parts of this nomination are, Salher fort, Shivneri fort, Lohgad, Khanderi fort, Raigad, Rajgad, Pratapgad, Suvarnadurg, Panhala Fort, Vijay durg, Sindhudurg in Maharashtra and Gingee Fort in Tamil Nadu.

* Among these, Salher fort, Shivneri fort, Lohgad, Raigad, Rajgad and Gingee fort are hill forts, Pratapgad is hill-forest fort, Panhala is hill-plateau fort, Vijaydurg is coastal fort whereas Khanderi fort, Suvarnadurg and Sindhudurg are island forts.

* The inception of the Maratha Military ideology dates back to 17th Century during the reign of the Maratha King Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj by the 1670 CE and continued through subsequent rules until Peshwa rule till 1818 CE..

Source : PIB

Published On : January 31, 2024

Correct Answer :   17th

Malaysia’s Sultan Ibrahim from the southern state of Johor was installed as the country’s 17th king on Wednesday (31st Jan 2024), taking the oath of office in a ceremony at the national palace in Kuala Lumpur.

The monarchy plays a mostly ceremonial role in Malaysia, but its influence has grown in recent years, prompting the king to wield rarely-used discretionary powers to quell political instability.

Under a unique system of monarchy, the heads of Malaysia’s nine royal families take turns to be the King, known as the “Yang di-Pertuan Agong” every five years.

Sultan Ibrahim, 65, succeeds Al-Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, who is returning to lead his home state of Pahang after completing his five-year tenure as king.

While the monarchy is largely seen as above politics, Sultan Ibrahim has been noted for his forthrightness and outsized personality, often weighing in on the country’s political issues.

Known for his large collection of luxury cars and motorbikes, Sultan Ibrahim has wide-ranging business interests from real estate to mining, including a stake in Forest City – a $100-billion China-backed land reclamation and development project off Johor.

Ahead of his installation, Sultan Ibrahim told Singapore’s The Straits Times newspaper he intends to be an active monarch and proposed that Malaysia’s state oil firm Petroliam Nasional and the country’s anti-corruption agency to report directly to the king.

He also spoke of his plans to revive a stalled high-speed rail link project between Malaysia and Singapore, with a border crossing through Forest City.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim later downplayed the statements, saying all opinions can be discussed without disregarding the federal constitution, state media reported.

Sultan Ibrahim takes on his duties as king amid renewed political tensions in Malaysia.

The country has seen ongoing political turmoil since 2018 when the then-ruling Barisan Nasional coalition was ousted from power for the first time since independence, prompting the monarch to play a greater role.

The king largely acts upon the advice of the prime minister and the cabinet but is granted a few discretionary powers under the federal constitution, including the authority to appoint a premier he believes commands a parliamentary majority.

Sultan Ibrahim’s predecessor, Al-Sultan Abdullah, exercised such power three times to resolve political uncertainty during his reign, twice after governments collapsed and the latest in 2022, when he appointed Anwar following an election that ended in a hung parliament.

Before stepping down from the throne, Al-Sultan Abdullah called for political stability, responding to media reports this month of an alleged plot to topple the government. Several opposition and ruling bloc leaders have denied being part of the plot..

Source : The Print

Published On : January 31, 2024
World Economic Forum
United Nations Development Programme
International Monetary Fund
Transparency International

Correct Answer :   Transparency International

Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) offers valuable insights into India’s standing in the global arena of public sector integrity. The 2023 report sheds light on India’s performance amidst broader trends in the Asia Pacific region, highlighting challenges and opportunities for combating corruption.

India’s Placement in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2023 :

India’s placement in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2023 remained largely unchanged, securing the 93rd position out of 180 countries. The CPI, curated by Transparency International, evaluates nations based on their perceived levels of public sector corruption, utilizing a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 signifies high corruption and 100 represents very clean governance.

Stability in India’s Corruption Perception :

India’s overall score in the CPI for 2023 was 39, reflecting a minor fluctuation from the previous year’s score of 40. Despite this stability, the report highlights the ongoing challenges concerning civic space in India, notably citing concerns regarding a telecommunications bill that could potentially infringe on fundamental rights.

South Asia’s Corruption Landscape :

The report sheds light on corruption dynamics in South Asia, where countries like Pakistan (133) and Sri Lanka (115) are contending with their debt burdens and political instability. However, both nations exhibit strong judicial oversight, which serves as a check on governmental power. Pakistan’s Supreme Court, for instance, expanded citizens’ right to information under Article 19A of its Constitution, previously limited to certain institutions.

Regional Overview: Asia Pacific :

In the broader Asia Pacific region, the CPI for 2023 reveals a stagnant trend in addressing corruption, with the average score persistently lingering at 45 out of 100 for five consecutive years. The report emphasizes the lack of significant progress in combating corruption, with most countries scoring below the regional and global averages.

Global Landscape and Top Performers :

Countries with robust corruption control mechanisms continue to lead the index, including New Zealand (3), Singapore (5), Australia (14), and Japan (16). Conversely, nations grappling with authoritarian regimes and humanitarian crises, such as North Korea (172) and Myanmar (162), occupy the lower rungs of the index.

Trends in CPI Scores :

The report highlights notable shifts in CPI scores since 2018, with some countries experiencing declines, including Venezuela (13) and Sri Lanka (34), while others, such as South Korea (63) and Ireland (77), have shown improvements. For the sixth consecutive year, Denmark has retained its top position on the index, securing a score of 90, credited to its robust “well-functioning justice systems.

India’s CPI Ranking: A Reflection of Ongoing Challenges :

India’s CPI ranking underscores the persistent challenges of corruption within its public sector, albeit with minimal fluctuations in its overall score. As part of a broader regional and global landscape, concerted efforts are imperative to address corruption effectively and safeguard democratic principles and institutional integrity.

Published On : January 31, 2024
5 .
With reference to the H-1B Visa, consider the following statements:

1. It allows US companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations.

2. It is a multiple-entry visa valid for ten years.

3. If the H1-B holder is changing jobs, he or she must reapply for a new visa.

How many of the above statements are correct?
Only one
Only two
All three
None of the above

Correct Answer :   Only two

The U.S. State Department recently launched a program to renew the much sought-after H-1B foreign work visas domestically. Accepting applications until April 1, 2024

About H-1B Visa :

* It is a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise for a specified period.

* A specialty occupation is one that requires the application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and the attainment of at least a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent.

* The intent of the H-1B provisions is to help employers who cannot otherwise obtain needed business skills and abilities from the U.S. workforce by authorizing the temporary employment of qualified individuals who are not otherwise authorized to work in the United States.

* Occupations that qualify for the H-1B visa are typically in fields such as technology, finance, engineering, architecture, or more.

Eligibility : In order to be eligible for the H1B visa, you will need:

* A valid job offer from a U.S. employer for a role that requires specialty knowledge

* Proof of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience in that field

* The US employer must show that there is a lack of qualified U.S. applicantsfor the role.

Cap :

* The annual H-1B visa limit is 85,000. There are 65,000 regular H-1B visas each year, and an additional 20,000 visas are reserved for applicants with advanced degrees.
* Some exceptions to the H-1B visa cap include people entering the U.S. to work in higher education or affiliated research/non-profit organizations.
* Applicants are selected for adjudication via lottery system.

Features :

* The H-1B visa is valid for three years and can be extended one time for an additional three years. In general, the H-1B is valid for a maximum of six years.
* There is no limit to the number of H1-B Visas that an individual can have in his or her lifetime.
* H1-B holders can seek Green Card or Lawful Permanent Residency for themselves and their family.
* If the H1-B holder is changing jobs, he or she must reapply for a new visa.

Published On : January 31, 2024

Correct Answer :   10%

India has cut the import duty on some parts used in making mobile phones to 10% from 15%, a move benefiting companies like Apple (AAPL.O), opens new tab and Xiaomi (1810.HK), opens new tab that manufacture in Asia's third-largest economy.

The import duty on parts such as battery covers, main camera lenses, back covers, other mechanical items of plastic and metal, GSM antenna, and other parts, has been reduced to 10%, the finance ministry said in a notification late on Tuesday (30th Jan 2024).

The import duty on inputs used to manufacture these components has been cut to zero, the notification said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has in recent years promoted India as a smartphone manufacturing hub, prompting companies such as Apple, Xiaomi, Samsung Electronics , opens new tab and Vivo to expand assembly of phones.

However, duties on mobile phone parts were the highest among six comparable manufacturing nations, including China, Vietnam, Mexico, and Thailand, which led the industry to push for tax reductions.

"Duty cuts on import of mobile phone parts would help big global manufacturers to set up large scale mobile assembly lines in India, and substantially increase exports of mobile phones," said Rajat Mohan, a director at tax consultancy firm MOORE Singhi.

Earlier this month, Reuters reported that India was considering import duty cuts on key components for producing high-end mobile phones.

The move will make India’s mobile phone manufacturing more competitive, the India Cellular and Electronics Association (ICEA) said in a statement..

Source : Reuters

Published On : January 31, 2024
Rs 60,000 Cr
Rs 70,000 Cr
Rs 80,000 Cr
Rs 90,000 Cr

Correct Answer :   Rs 80,000 Cr

NTPC Green Energy Ltd (NGEL), a subsidiary of NTPC, recently inked a groundbreaking Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) worth Rs 80,000 crore with the Maharashtra government. This strategic collaboration aims to pioneer green hydrogen projects within the state, aligning closely with the government’s vision outlined in its Green Investment Plan.

Scope of the MoU :

The MoU encompasses a comprehensive plan to develop green hydrogen projects and their derivatives, such as green ammonia and green methanol. With a potential investment of Rs 80,000 crore, the agreement also includes the establishment of pump hydro projects and the development of renewable energy (RE) projects, further solidifying Maharashtra’s commitment to sustainable energy solutions.

Signing Ceremony :

The historic exchange of the MoU took place in Mumbai, with key stakeholders from both NGEL and the Maharashtra government in attendance. Notable dignitaries, including the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, witnessed the signing, underscoring the significance of this partnership in advancing the state’s renewable energy agenda.

Introduction to NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd. (NTPCREL) :

Established on October 7th, 2020, NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd. (NTPCREL) operates as a wholly owned subsidiary of NTPC Limited, India’s largest Power Utility. NTPCREL’s primary aim is to accelerate the Company’s renewable energy expansion and enhance its green footprint nationally, offshore, and internationally.

NTPCREL’s Strategic Initiatives :

NTPCREL is actively undertaking significant solar, wind, and hybrid projects across India. It is also spearheading the development of gigawatt-scale Renewable Energy Parks and Projects in various states under the UMREPP (Ultra Mega Renewable Energy Power Park) scheme of the Government of India. Furthermore, NTPCREL is engaged in advancing Green Hydrogen-based Mobility and ESG projects.

NGEL’s Profile :

NGEL, as a leading player in the green energy sector, brings unparalleled expertise and experience to the table. With an operational capacity exceeding 3.4 GW and a robust pipeline of projects totaling 26 GW, including 7 GW currently under implementation, NGEL is poised to drive transformative change in Maharashtra’s energy landscape.

Pioneering Sustainable Growth :

The MoU between NGEL and the Maharashtra government represents a landmark initiative in promoting green hydrogen infrastructure and renewable energy development. With a substantial investment commitment of Rs 80,000 crore, this partnership sets a bold precedent for sustainable growth and environmental stewardship in Maharashtra, ushering in a new era of clean energy innovation and progress.

Published On : January 31, 2024
30th January
29th January
28th January
27th January

Correct Answer :   30th January

India commemorates Martyrs’ Day, also known as Shaheed Diwas, on January 30th each year. This day holds a dual significance as it marks the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, the “Father of the Nation,” and also serves to honour all the brave souls who sacrificed their lives for the country’s freedom and sovereignty.

History and Significance of Martyrs’ Day :

Martyrs’ Day is observed annually on January 30th, the day Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in 1948. Gandhi, a globally revered leader, was known for his peaceful and non-violent methods in the struggle against British colonial rule. His assassination by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist, led to widespread mourning across the nation and the world. In 1949, Godse was sentenced to death for his crime.

While Martyrs’ Day primarily commemorates Gandhi’s death, it also serves as a solemn occasion to remember and pay tribute to all martyrs who laid down their lives for India. The day is a reminder of the sacrifices made for the country’s freedom and the continued struggle for justice and equality.

Observance of Martyrs’ Day Across India :

Martyrs’ Day, also referred to as Mahatma Gandhi’s Punyatithi, is marked by various activities across the country. Prayer meetings and homage ceremonies are organized at Gandhi’s memorials and statues of other freedom fighters. Government officials, political leaders, and citizens participate in these events to pay their respects.

A key ritual of the day is the observance of a two-minute silence at 11:00 AM to remember and reflect on the sacrifices of the martyrs. This moment of silence is a powerful expression of gratitude and respect for those who fought and died for the nation’s independence.

Cultural and Educational Commemorations :

Educational institutions, government offices, and various organizations take part in commemorating Martyrs’ Day by organizing special programs and events. Cultural performances, speeches, and essay competitions are held to foster patriotism and educate the younger generation about the nation’s history and the sacrifices made by martyrs.

These events serve as a platform to instill a sense of national pride and respect for the country’s freedom fighters. They also provide an opportunity for reflection on the values of peace, non-violence, and unity that Mahatma Gandhi championed.

Published On : January 30, 2024

Correct Answer :   Dibrugarh

The Union Minister of Ayush and Ports, Shipping & Waterways Shri Sarbananda Sonowal along with the Chief Minister of Assam, Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma laid the foundation stone of the Central Research Institute of Yoga & Naturopathy (CRIYN) along with a 100 bedded Yoga & Naturopathy hospital at Dihing Khamtighat in Dibrugarh on 28th Jan 2024.

The institution will be developed over a land parcel of nearly 15 acres (45 bighas) at an approximate investment of ?100 crores, with an aim at bringing a scientifically valid and useful synergy between traditional knowledge of Yoga and Naturopathy and modern tools of technology. It will establish benchmark standards in education, Preventive healthcare and research in the field of Yoga and Naturopathy.

This state-of-the-art institute will focus on fundamental aspects, scientific validation of traditional systems of medicine and practices through evidence-based research, apart from functioning as an international collaboration centre for global promotion and research in Yoga and Naturopathy. The institute will also serve as incubation centres in startups in the field of Yoga and wellness sector.

Addressing the gathering, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, said, Under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, the Ayush movement has got a tremendous boost as it has become a pioneering force of global wellness movement. Today, we lay the foundation stone for the first of its kind Central Research Institute of Yoga & Naturopathy with a 100 bedded hospital in Dibrugarh.

This is yet another testament of Modiji to empower Assam and the whole of Northeast to harness its rich flora & fauna and drive expansion in Ayush sector, with peripheral growth in hospitality, patient care as well as medical tourism sectors as well. Mother Nature has blessed us with her immense beauty and this will go a long way in providing a healing touch for people, of not just the immediate region but the South Asia region, with the rejuvenated, scientifically validated treatment regime through Yoga, Naturopathy, Ayurveda and other traditional forms of medicine..

Source : PIB

Published On : January 30, 2024
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh

Correct Answer :   Maharashtra

NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Government of Maharashtra for development of Green Hydrogen and derivatives (Green Ammonia, Green Methanol) of up to 1 million Ton capacity per annum, including Pumped Storage Projects of 2 GW and development of renewable energy projects with or without storage up to 5 GW in the state.

The MoU has been signed as a part of Government of Maharashtra’s Green Investment Plan for the next five years. The agreement envisages a potential investment of approximately ? 80, 000 crores.

The MoU was exchanged on 29th January, 2024 between Chief Executive Officer, NGEL, Shri Mohit Bhargava and Deputy Secretary (Energy), Government of Maharashtra, Shri Narayan Karad in the presence of Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis and other senior officials.

NTPC is in the path of building renewable energy capacity of 60 GW by 2032.

NGEL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NTPC and aims to be the flag bearer of NTPC’s Renewable Energy journey with an operational capacity of over 3.4 GW and 26 GW in pipeline including 7 GW under implementation..

Source : PIB

Published On : January 30, 2024